Primary Members (Bundle Administrators)

SWASFAA membership is bundled by institution or associate member affiliation. This means that as long as your school is a member, then you can add or delete any new staff members as members under your bundle. Each institution has 1 person designated as the primary member (known as "bundle administrator"). This person will be the voting authority for your institution, and also will serve to ensure that your membership is up to date and the right staff are added as members. As new staff are hired, the bundle administrator can add new staff or archive staff who have left. Primary members must add new staff to your bundle prior to allowing them to register for events so that your staff are not asked to pay for membership. Questions about managing your bundle can be directed to Membership Chair, Ben Montecillo or Electronic Initiatives Chair, Elizabeth Amador 

How to Add New Staff to Your Bundle

Bundle Administrators can follow these steps to add a new staff member to your bundle:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click on your name at the top of the page to bring up your profile
  3. Scroll down to see staff in your bundle
  4. Click "Add Member"
  5. Fill out your staff's information. Anything with an asterisk is a required field 

It is important for Bundle Administrators to review their bundle lists at least once a quarter in order to ensure that  new staff are added to SWASFAA membership and get emails about events and webinars.

Your Bundle Summary:

Tips for Adding New Member Information

It is very important to add your organization (i.e. institution, lender agency, etc.) with its proper name. For example, don't type in UTSA, type in University of Texas at San Antonio.

The organization type is one of the following (mirror what's on your own account):

  • Public (4 year)
  • Public (2 year)
  • Private
  • Proprietary
  • Graduate/Professional
  • Health Related/Nursing
  • Lender
  • Servicer
  • Other

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